
Capturing Confidence

The job market is competitive at the moment with organisations receiving hundreds of applications for each position – many from over qualified professionals.

So how do you stand out in a crowd? One local business believes those in the corporate world can learn from their contemporaries in the acting industry when it comes to exuding confidence.

Already a successful casting agency, Captured Communications is branching out to help women incorporate acting strategies into corporate communication.

“Getting work in any field is all about looking in control because you are in control. That means you know your strengths and you know how to market them,” says Captured Communications’ Tania Bunk, who is a multi-talented actor, recording artist, graphic designer and human resources consultant.

“I learned that when I was an actor, and I went through it again when I returned to paid work after having my sons.”

Tania said she faced a range of challenges unique to mothers returning to the workforce, and her confidence really took a beating.

“Some employers wouldn’t look at me because they assumed I’d need lots of time off to look after my kids. There was also what I call the ‘guilts and gaps’ that nearly every mum faces, guilt about not caring full time for my kids, and worrying about gaps in my CV. This affected my self-esteem and I thought I didn’t have what it takes due to a lack of skills.”

But Tania soon realised that the skills she’d learned from acting – looking confident on stage, and being confident at the audition – are the same skills you need to impress in a job interview and perform well in challenging work situations. She also discovered that being a mother taught her invaluable lessons about organisation and negotiation – key skills in any workplace.

“I focused on the things I knew I did well and promoted those. In my own time I worked on the areas I wasn’t so confident in and I was able to get back to work with the help of good advice from strong successful women and by using what I’d learned as an actor. Now I want to share what I’ve learned to help other women get into a career too.”

Tania says Captured Communications focuses on helping people present themselves to potential employers.

“We can help people understand what their strengths are and how to ensure they can sell that to a potential employer.  We do this by working on a skills analysis, helping people write their CV, respond to selection criteria and by running confidence building workshops.”

The workshops aim to help participants feel confident about what they are saying and presenting themselves with assurance – not assertiveness training or management and leadership techniques, but short, sharp tips based on acting theories.

“It’s about acting the part – with substance – playing the role that you may not feel is you, and easing yourself into it so you believe in yourself and others will too!” says Tania.

“There’s a huge number of skilled people who are struggling to sell themselves and their experience. We’re here to help them understand the skills they can bring to the workplace or how to get that role.”

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